The RYLA program has been in place for many years to help our young leaders develop their leadership skills.

This program is sponsored by Rotary Clubs throughout the District and Students must be approved by their School Guidance Counselor and the local Rotary Club.

What is required to attend RYLA?

  1. Obtain approval from your Guidance Counselor and local Rotary Club; and
  2. Once approved for attendance by your Guidance Counselor and sponsoring Rotary Club complete all information requested on the online application system (we recommend completing the application on a desktop or laptop computer, not on a mobile phone); and
  3. Print and complete the following documents including required signatures:
    1. Medical Form – Complete all fields including date of last tetanus shot a.k.a. DPT
      (Medical Forms with missing information will require application to be rejected)
    2. Photo Release
    3. Cancellation Fee Acknowledgement
    4. Code of Conduct Acknowledgement
    5. Optional: Print the full Required Documents Package as a reference.
  4. Mail completed forms to:

c/o Brian Casey
505 Georgetown Road
Wallingford, PA 19086-6921

The process is simple but all steps are required.

When are registration documents due?

All completed documentation must be mailed to the address above and postmarked by January 15th or earlier.


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