Interact provides secondary students, ages 12-18, with the opportunity to build leadership skills while serving others in their communities. Each Interact club is sponsored by a local Rotary club. There are currently 15,000 Interact clubs with 343,000 Interactors in 145 countries.
As a way of introducing today’s youth to Rotary, Interact clubs are asked to organize at least two service projects each school year. One of the projects should serve the local community, while the second project should promote international understanding. Rotarians are encouraged to attend their Interact clubs’ projects and to hold joint projects or work together when possible.
The Interact Committee works with Rotary clubs in the district to identify where new Interact clubs may be formed, as well as to help maintain clubs that already exist. As part of this, the Committee maintains a list of Interact advisors, as well, and is responsible for being in touch with them throughout the year with opportunities and news from the district.
One of the Interact committee’s main events each Rotary year is the District 7450 Interact Conference, generally held the last weekend of October. The conference helps Interactors to build leadership skills while also giving them access to a variety of speakers and workshop sessions designed to bring awareness of the resources available to them through the district, such as Rotary Youth Leadership Awards, Rotary Speech Contest: The 4-Way Test, Rotary Youth Exchange, as well as to issues at home and around the world, such as Rotaplast, & Shelterbox — the kinds which Rotary might seek to help. Additionally, they learn about each other’s projects and opportunities to collaborate and learn from each other.
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