Supporting the Environment

The Supporting the Environment Committee supports Rotary Clubs in their pursuit of projects to safeguard the natural environment. It assists Rotary clubs in identifying environmental service projects and building public awareness. It provides recognition for clubs that conduct environmental projects with the Governor’s Citation for Environmental Support. See Application.

Recommended Resources
• ESRAG – Environmental Sustainability Rotary Action Group
ESRAG provides weekly webinars on ecological topics such as carbon reduction, pollution cleanup, biodiversity, river conservation, trees and more.  It tells of successful club projects around the world. All Rotarians are urged to register for subscriptions online. 
• Environmental NGOs
Examples: Audubon Society, Environmental Defense Fund, Union of Concerned Scientists, Greenpeace, Water Aid Intl, Trout Unlimited, Shade Tree Commission, Penn State Extension – Master Gardeners, Local Energy Providers, Local Arboretums, Other Rotary Clubs and Districts, Local Authors and Newspaper Columnists.
• Other sources:
Established conservation organizations such as the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, The Nature Conservancy, National Audubon Society, Natural Resources Defense Council, Environmental Defense Fund, Greenpeace, North American Association for Environmental Education, and National Wildlife Federation. See Google for more sources.
• Examples of SE Projects:
Sponsor K-12 Science/Environment Fairs, domestic and commercial water conservation, river and stream conservation and purity, natural land preservation, clean air, waste management, reducing carbon footprint, energy conservation, eliminating harmful refrigerants such as chlorofluorocarbon, river and stream conservation and purity, energy conservation, restoring the natural environment.
For information, contact:
Paul J. Quintavalla
Click to email

Supporting the Environment Committee
Resources and Project Ideas

The Rotary District 7450 Committee for Supporting the Environment, which administers the Environmental Award, has one objective: to encourage clubs to engage in environmental projects.  The objective is accomplished by providing the following:

  1. Information – Identifying sources for project ideas and environmental organizations.
  2. Inspiration – By informing about outstanding projects by clubs around the world.
  3. Support – Generating public recognition and promoting applications for District grants


Club Service Suggestions

  • Invite an Environmental speaker to present at a club meeting, e.g., County, State or Federal official, College researcher, supplier of environmental products or services, environmental advocacy groups (land conservancies, watershed organizations).
  • Create awareness in a club meeting of an environmental topic and choose a project(s) to undertake.
  • Planting pollinator gardens, tree planting, domestic and commercial water conservation, river and stream conservation and purity, natural land preservation, clean air, waste management, energy conservation, and eliminating harmful refrigerants such as chlorofluorocarbon.
  • Find out if your local townships and counties have environmental initiatives that could benefit from volunteer help from the community (i.e., your Rotary club). Provide support.
  • Team up with local parks, arboretums, land conservancies, and watershed organization to seek volunteering opportunities.
  • Build and install bee boxes.
  • Build and install bird houses.
  • Adopt a stream or river, and organize a cleanup day
  • Clean up a hiking or walking trail.
  • Destroy invasive plants and trees
  • Plan and implement a rainwater harvesting project in your community.
  • Help plan and fund a solar energy project on a community building or school.
  • Plant a riparian buffer along a local stream or river.
  • Volunteer to assist with a water quality monitoring project in a local watershed.
  • Encourage club members to reduce their use of plastics.
  • Start a club beehive project
  • Encourage local township schools, municipal buildings and parks to eliminate lawns and plant pollinators
  • Encourage local government to install solar panels
  • Promote energy and water conservation in local government
  • Create an Environment section in the local library
  • Sponsor an Environment Fair in local elementary schools
  • Encourage reducing carbon footprint by car sharing and other practices
  • Eliminate standing water in the community
  • Destroy vines that kill trees

International Service Suggestions

  • Find a club in another country (“Host Club”) and support a proposed environmental project in their country.
  • Find a club anywhere (“International Club”) that seeks financial support for a particular environmental project.


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